Wednesday, 3 July 2013


In RAPBN state budget 2013, allocation for other expenditure posts were set at Rp 40.4 trillion (0.4% against GDP). Allocation for other expenditure included allocation for ad hoc and not repeated expenditures, operational expenditure for institutions not having a separate budgeting department, contribution to international institutions, and unexpected expenditures extremely needed to support administration process by the Government.

The allocated expenditure post included among others reserve fund for infra-structure Rp 11.8 trillion, preparatory expenses for General Election 2014 amounting to Rp 1.8 trillion, Government’s rice reserves (CBP) Rp 2.0 trillion, reserve fund for formation and Financial Monetary Reserve (OJK) amounting to Rp 934,1 billion, reserve fun for land procurement, housing development for economic empowerment for NTT refugees Rp 931.8 billion, allocated fund for seed reserve (CBN) Rp 388.9 billion procured budget for assignment of PT SMI in preparing Government’s collaboration project with Soekarno-Hatta airport - Manggarai railway project: Government’s collaboration project with Umbulan Clean Water Reservoir System Project Undertaker Rp 211.7 billion; treasury services Rp 260.01 billion; rice transportation expenses for Civil Servants in Papua Remote areas (the Provinces of Papua and West Papua) Rp 82.2 billion; operational expenses for institutions no having their own Budgeting Dept Rp 60.0 billion; contribution to International institutions Rp 35.6 billion.

In additional to the above, also financial allocations for Development Acceleration for the Papua Province and West Papua Province (P4B), reserve fund for APEC Meeting 2013, reserve fund for agriculture for APEC Meeting 2013, reserve fund for agriculture development, reserve fund for people’s education illumination and avocation for National Social Security System (SJSN) and the Board of Social Security Management, reserve fund for oil fuel and lubrication payment shortage (BMP), Ministry of Defense/TNI, fund for mapping and shelter building in disaster prone regions, difference of monetary exchange rate, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and fund for feasibility support for the SPAM project Umbalan and SPAM project Bandar Lampung. (SS)

Business News - January 11,2013 

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