Sunday, 7 July 2013


The government of china admitted they still had difficulty in restricting import of shark’s fin form Indonesia, although it was still at the stage of pleading to consumers in china. The market mechanism, where supply and demand could be highly varied applied in china, including the case of shark’s fin trading. Consumption of shark’s fin was high as consumers’ preference was high prohibited [trading of shark’s fin]. China’s minister agriculture told me personally on the occasion of the Indian Ocean tuna commission [IOTC] In Mauritius. We would collaborate with the government of china in regard to IOTC’s resolution.” Agus Budiman, Director of fishery resource, ministry or maritime and fishery [KPP] disclosed to business news [21/5].
The government of china claimed they did not permit trading of shark’s fin meanwhile import restrictions by quota did not automatically stop transactions among buyers and sellers in china. Meanwhile in Indonesia government, represented by KKP would continue to coordinate restriction of sharks wish fishery divisions offices in the provinces, regencies and cities. “We will constantly restrict sharks catching through coordination with the provincial government, regencies and cities especially in West Nusa Tenggara and East Nusa Tenggara’ Agus remarked.
In regard to fish catching activities, IOTC was constantly restricting exploitations of turtles and some other mammalian. The Indonesian government was expected to be consistent about complying to IOTC rules. : “There are some resolutions that we must follow.”
One rule about exploitation of scarce species was in releasing catch. Fishermen were not permitted to catch species categorized as “protected”. Even if the catch was not deliberate, fishermen must release them back to the sea. “If they were caught dead, the catch must not be cut, they must remain as a whole on board” Agus said.
So KKP would renew data of small boats belonging to fishermen I relation to permit to be issued by the authorities of province, regencies and cities. The problem with exploitation of sharks was that the shark’s fin was only one percent of the entire physical appearance of the fish, so 99 percent had to be disposed off. The problem in Indonesia was that sharks were constantly hunted, and 99% of shark was not thrown away about consumed. Some fishermen skinned the shark and salted them. “No part of sharks is wasted in Indonesia, but the international world is worried if exploitation was let to happen, soon sharks would extinct” Agus remarked.
The amount of shark’s eggs was also diminishing. In fact sharks are environmental balancer underneath the sea. If there were any species of the eco system which was disease-infected, sharks would be predators to the infected species. Sharks were the highest carnivore species at sea. Meaning sharks could balance up eco system of the sea so life at sea resource could continue. “The effect of epidemic could be neutralized as the infected species were swallowed by sharks’ Agus was quoted as saying.
Pursuant to the above, in the future KKP planned to release ministerial regulation. Sharks would be categorized as IRS or species. Some directorates like the directorate of fish types, fish resources and all related to IRS processing and environment would procure technical data for this regulation, “so restriction of sharks trading would be effective. In this case we will surely coordinate with the ministry of trade” Agus said.
In parallel, KKP was fighting illegal fishing, i.e. unreported and unregulated fishing or IUU intensively. Controlling operations was exercised simultaneously in western or eastern Indonesia. The controller ship of KKP under the command of the Directorate General of Sea Resources Control [PSDKP] in May 2013 succeeded to arrest five foreign fisherman’s boat, who illegal trespassed Indonesian waters and did fish stealing.
“IUU fishing practices disadvantaged Indonesia. The illegal entry of foreign fishermen’s boats was most disadvantageous to local fisherman and posed a threat to the management of marine and fishery resources” the ministry of maritime and fishery Sharif G. Sutardjo disclosed to business news [20/5].
Illegal fishing and destructive fishing must be regarded as extraordinary crime because they clearly destructed marine and fishery resources. Such practices caused extraordinary loss to the people’s social economic system. “I express my appreciation for the performance of sea security guards who succeeded in arresting 2 Vietnamese fish boats and 1 Malaysian fish boats in their operations in the western zone and 1 Philippine-flagged fish boats caught in the Eastern zone.
The successful operation run by KKP was prove that fish stealing by foreign boats in Indonesian water frequently happened. Even through 2012 KKP had examined 4,326 fishermen’s boats, of which the number of ships arrested numbered 112 ships, allegedly breaking the law, 70 of which were foreign ships and 42 of them Indonesian flagged ships. “Even over the past 8 years, KKP had examined 20,064 fishermen’s boat. Of the number, those brought to court came to 714 boats. Meanwhile Indonesian fishermen doing IUU were 563 boats” (SS)

Business News - May 24,2013

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