Wednesday, 3 July 2013


The Money market

During opening session last week, (8/2), Ru­piah exchange rate value in inter-bank transactions hardly ever moved or even close to stationary at Rp 9.690 per USD. Rupiah value was predictably un­der pressure. By Bank Indonesia's protection, on that day Rupiah was estimated to move at the level of Rp 9.650 – Rp 9.700 per USD.

The fact was that Rupiah was moving in the range of Rp 9.850  - Rp 9.700 per USD in the past 5 days. During transaction last Thursday (7/2) Rupiah was closed stronger at Rp 9.677 per USD. Betterment of some economic data, especially the USA and Uni Europa was expected to strengthen Rupiah, but such did not lessen Bank Indonesia’s cautiousness in mon­itoring and protecting Rupiah.

Other factors that strengthened Rupiah was the outcome of initial auction of SBSN Sukuk of which a total of Rp 1,5 trillion was won, or equal to initial target (total offer that entered came to Rp 4.132 trill­ion) had positive impact on Rupiah movement. Re­leased data of Indonesia's GDP of Quarter IV-2012 that dropped against quarter III-2012 but was still above 6%, i.e. 6.23% (for annual GDP 2012) con­firmed Indonesia’s position at the fastest growing economy in the world next to China. Such was predicted to have positive impact on Rupiah movement this week.

The Central Board of Statistics (BPS) noted that economic growth through 2012 was only posted at 6.23%. The realization slumped against economic growth of 2011 by 6.5%. Economic growth through 2012 was only 6.23%. This realization was a downturn against economic growth of 2011 at 6.5%. Economic growth through quarter IV-2012 only came to Rp 6.11%. Indonesia's GDP of 2012 based on effec­tive price was Rp 8,241.9 trillion - whilst based on constant price (2000) was Rp 2,878.1 trillion.

By consumption, economic growth through previous years was mainly jacked up by household consumption 5.38% and Gross Fixed Capital Forma­tion (PMTB) amounting to 9.81%. Household consumption showed increase against 2011 by 4.71% whilst PMTB was showing increase of 8.77%.

Meanwhile Government's expenditure for consumption only came to 1.25%, export was 2.01% and Import 6.65 percent. Government’s ex­penditure was showing downturn due to austerity in expenditure for goods buying, and then there was moratorium of civil servants so expenditure for civil servants was not showing high growth.

Meanwhile source of growth based on eco­nomic sector was particularly contributed by processing industry 1.47%; trading, hotel and restau­rant 1.44% and transportation and communication 0.98%.
As with extern el factor, the improved glob­al situation, especially the condition in Europe and the USA after the release of data of Europe and USA which were above expectation was expected to have positive impact on Rupiah. In this case BI was con­stantly monitoring movement of Rupiah without pretense of driving Rupiah value to any range. Appre­ciation for Rupiah which happened in the pest two weeks was due to inflow of foreign capital (PMA), not because BI set Rupiah exchange rate value.

The only thing was, for this week market­players had to be cautious about US economic data because it might influence perceptions of marketplay­ers of Asian currencies. At home, data of Soaring inflation in January or 1.03% weakened Rupiah value against USD. On the other hand, slump of USD value was also stimulated by unemployment data in America which rose, a condition which indicated slowdown of US economy. Worsening of US economy had its global impact so investors tend to invest their money of the safe haven such as the USD.

On the other hand, data of US GDP which was still below 1% had strengthened exchange rate value of USD in line with increasing demand for save haven currency to avoid Marco-economy risk. One noteworthy point was that either BI or the Govern­ment were concerned about Non-Delivery Forward (NDF). The point was that the Government suspected NDF as the cause of recent Rupiah weakeing.

Date of BI had it that through 2012 Rupiah exchange rate value had been depreciated by 6.3% (y o y) to Rp 9.358 per USD from Rp 8,768 per USD in the previous years. Meanwhile by point-to-point Ru­piah weakened by 5.91% and was closed at Rp 9.638 per USD. The disheartening situation had forced the Government the ask BI to coordinate with the Mon­etary Authority of Singapore (MAS) to discuss policy of that monetary authority which wee reckoned to have facilitated development of NDF market there.

In this case there were some measures which were necessary to Lid taken to stabilize Rupiah:

Firstly, Bank Indonesia must actively but ac­curately make intervention at the forex market to ful­fil the domestic need for USD.

Secondly, the Government and BI needed to foster coordination so importers and investors prioritized the local forex market as source of USD.

Thirdly, the Government and BI also needed to command businesspeople to report their need for forex, particularly USD regularly whereby procurement of the forex could be anticipated early according to the need to buy goods, to pay debt installment plus interest and fee to overseas counterparts.

Fourthly, the Government must immediately reduce import of oil fuel which absorbed forax enormously. The Government must have the courage to rake unpopular but strategic policy such as abolishing oil subsidy and increase oil price at home in accor­dance with the accountable price.

Admittedly strengthening at Rupiah became difficult due to weakening of Euro recently. Euro's exchange rate value had lost 1% against USD during last weekend (8/2) after the Europe Central Bank (ECB) maintained bank interest level and Governor of ECB Mario Dhargi described unimpressive image of the economic condition in Europe. Euro was once traded at 1,3395 USD, the lowest in 2 weeks, a downturn against the previous 1.3519 USD.

In a press conference after ECB interest rate was decided, Dhargi shielded off pressures to adopt policies to lower Euro value. According to Dhergi, appreciation for Euro means regained trust in Euro. How­ever, he also stressed that money's exchange rate value must reflect condition of fundamental economy if Euro strengthened, it could serve as challenge to price stabilizing effort. Dhargi believed that exchange ­rate value was not the main target of policy.

From the above picture it might be conclud­ed that Rupiah would consolidate in the range of Rp 9,650 – Rp 9,700 per USD.

The Capital Market
The development of domestic stockmarket was quite heartening. The price of IHSG last Thursday (1/8) inched up by 4 points by support of sec­ond tier shares. Although moving up only slightly, again index hit the highest record of all times. To end session on Thursday (7/2), IHEG was closed to inch up by 4.1 72 points (0.09%) to the level of 4.503.148. Meanwhile index of LQ45 was closed to strengthen by 0.545 points (0.07%) to the level of 770.394.

Again index broke through the highest level although only slightly moving up. Yet the highest record of all times was only broken in the previous ses­sion, i.e. at the level of 4,498.976. The notable thing was the Wall Street stockmarket closed their sessions with corrections (7/2). Comment by ECB President Mario Dhargi and bad projections of Europe's econ­omy triggered selling spree.

During closing session an Thursday (7/2), in­dex of Dow Jonas weakened by 42.47 points (0.30%) to the level of 13,944.05. Index of Standard & Poor's 500 slumped by 2.73 points (0.18%) to the level of 1,509.39 Index of Composite Nasdaq lessened by 3.34 points (0.11%) to the lever of 3,165.13.
Draghi stated that Euro's exchange rote value against USD was most important in maintaining stability. Investors interpreted the statement as bank's anxiety about Euro’s development and the impact on Europe's economy. Although weakening, Wall street still scored growth since early this year. Index of S&P 500 had risen by 5.8% in 2013. Many analysts rat­ed the corrections made at that time as something natural after Wall Street strengthened several times. Meanwhile Asian stockmarkets were moving the varied way. Index of Nikkei 225 dropped by 93.61 points (0,81%) to the level of 11,263.46 index of KOSPI rose by 2,11 points (0.11%) to the level of 1,933.88.

All in all psychologically the market which was still optimistic marked IHSG movement in ear­ly session last weekend (8/2). Index was opened to strengthen by 10.122 points or around 0.22 percent to the level of 4,513.270. Index of LQ jacked up increase of IHSG by strengthening by 2.373 points (0.31%) to the level of 773.783.

By last weekend, (8/2) IHSG was predicted to move the mixed way in narrow range (4.495 -­4,515) after again Scoring highest record of ell time. Investors' buying end selling zest was today still well balanced. Natural as there was opinion that IHSG was rising too feet and was feared to trigger backflow.

Meanwhile this week IHSG would try to break through its highest level throughout history. This attempt was made amidst correction of the glob­al market due to mounting fear of Europe's economic future.

The only thing was that investors must be keen-eyed to see performance of the sectoral eminent. Data showed that performance of the proper­ty finance and mining sectors surpassed IHSG per­formance in January 2013. According to analysts, growth of the three sectors still had the potential to continue through quarter 1-2013 due to positive senti­ments of financial performance realization 2012.

Data of the Indonesia Security Exchange (BEI) had it that the property sector grew by 11.38% in January, the Finance sector grew by 7.96% and the mining sector grew by 4.53%. Over the same period IHSG grew by 3.17%.

Not less important was to observe expecta­tion of market players of growth realization of emi­tents of the coal mining sector through 2012 which was not too high. Through 2012 last, performance of emitents of the coal mining sector tend to be suppressed as selling price of the global market tend to be fluctuative while price of shares were low. Mar­ketpleyers were waiting for performance report of coalmine emitents of quarter IV-2012 as strategic investment of shares till Semester I-2013.

The banking sector was also worth observing. Seven big banks of the upper strata booked Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) above the average of industry up to November 2012 last. Word was out that banks would increase external financing resources to supp­ort credit pipelining since growth of Third Party Fund (LDR) wee more difficult. LDR of the said banks were above the average of banking industry which was 83.61%.

By the above picture, this week IHSG was projected to move in the range of 4,600 - 4,520 with the tendency to strengthen.

Business News - February 13,2013

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