Head of the Stockwatch Market and Financial Board Fuad Rahmany stated that Syariah based corporation Bond is highly potential for wider emitence because of its high profitability.
The number of prospect buyers of Syariah Bond at home and abroad made the Government plan to emit more bonds because of its profitability for the Government. Furthermore increasing emitence might accommodate the market demand for sukuk at home and abroad.
“In fact today the domestic potential market is enormous, there are Syariah banks with numerous branch retails including pension funds and insurance. However, the problem now is not a matter of demand but shortage of supply”. Fuad was quoted as saying (6/7) “today Indonesia is not comparable to other Muslim populated states like Malaysia where Syariah develops but the conventional banks don’t. it’s because Indonesia is just a beginner in Syariah banking. We are not in the position to develop yet”.
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