Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Semarang-Ungaran Toll Road Repair Is Scheduled To Complete Not Later Than Eary April

Repair of Semarang-Ungaran toll road with road subsidence or crack along 200 meters some time ago or at STA 5+500 to STA 5+700 KM56 is scheduled to complete in early April as this section is part of Semarang-Solo toll road which is scheduled to operate in middle of April this year. Head of Toll Road regulatory Agency, Ghani Gozali, told Business News.

According to Ghani, the land type under the Semarang-Ungaran toll road section is clay shale, which if due to continuous rainfall, it easily swells that it causes cracks. Currently, the condition of land under this toll road section is examined by geologists. Actually in normal weather, land condition under Semarang-Ungaran toll road is strong. But, due to extreme weather, continuous rainfall, water on the land surface rises?, he explained.

With such a clay shale type of land, Gani continued, the contractor has actually anticipated possible road subsidence by installing bored piles. But, due to extreme weather, there are more bored piles required.

He admitted that the first section of the Semarang-Ungaran toll road is heaviest if compared to other four sections. This toll road section has many slopes with steep valley cliff of around 50-meter depth and is sensitive to landslides.

Opinion of some academicians saying that Semarang-Ungaran section location is located on a broke area receives opposition from Head of Technical Division of Jasa Marga, Eddy Bambang S. according to him, based on the Geological Agency of Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the location is not on the red zone. This section is located on an area which is sensitive to landslides and clay shale so that it requires special handling like the one performed on Cipularang roll road, he said.

Based on information from the local community, there was once a landslide in this area in 1974. consequently, there are some mounds which are sensitive to landslides. Therefore, Jasa Marga will handle this action by several actons, amongs others, reducing burden by slope and road bed excavation, installing inclinometer in some locations of mounds to  monitor land movement. All plans for construction of Semarang-Ungaran toll road have also considered the opinions of experts of various fields of study.

Semarang-Ungaran toll road section is the first stage in the construction of Semarang-Solo toll road. The toll road with 75.7 km length will be constructed in five stages, namely Semarang-Ungaran section, Ungaran-Bawean section, Bawean-Salatiga section, Salatiga-Boyolali section. These five sections are estimated to require a total investment of Rp. 7-8 trillions.

The Semarang-Ungaran section is estimated ro accommodate 23,000-27,000 vehicles a day. With this toll road section, Semarang-Slolo route could be traveled by one hour only faster than the present travel time that reaches three to four hours.

Construction of this toll road which was started in 2009 in considered to have a strategic function in connecting Semarang and Ungaran industrial Bondedzone, and could enhance economic growth in the province concerned and in the surrounding regions.

Semarang-Solo toll road is section of Trans Java toll road with road sections comprising of: Cikampek-Palimanan section (114 km), Palimanan-Kanci section, Kanci-Pejagan section (35 km), Pejagan-Pemalang section (57.5 km), Pemalang-Batang section (39 km), Batang-Semarang section (75 km), semarang-Solo section, Solo-Mantingan-Ngawi-Kertosono section (169 km), Kertosono-Mojokerto section (41 km), and Mojokerto-Surabaya section (34 km)

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