Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Parliament Passed Immigration Bill

The grand session of the Parliament had passed Law Proposal in Immigration to become law. Vice Chairman of Commission II of House Fahri Hamzah disclosed that discussion on the Law Proposal for Immigration took a long time to accomplish, nearly one year. Somehow that span of time was for the betterment which is expected to be the pillars of immigration reformation in Indonesia.

The working Committee for Law Proposal on Immigration rated it was necessary to make in depth and comprehensive review over the substance in that Bill. This was because discussions on the law Proposal as replacement  of Law no. 9 1992 on immigration was aimed at revising various policies on Indonesian Immigration System which were no longer up to date. Hence the new immigration law would have the underlying philosophy and sociological consideration to serve as new paradigm. Among them was the aim to uplift people’s welfare by promoting investments, tourism and socio-cultural structure of the nation for international interactions.

After in-depth review, finally an agreement was arrived at and formulated as substance of the bill of immigration in accordance with the new paradigm pf an established system, so discussion of this bill could be accomplished.

The waves of globalization today, had brought change to various aspects of the people’s life. The Law proposal on Immigration which is revision of law no. 9/1992 may serve as solution to the problem by innovating security approach and combine it with human rights aspect. The birth of the new Law of Immigration has sound underlying philosophy and sociological aspects to serve as new paradigm to prevent abuse of power.

Chairman of the Working Committee for immigration Law elaborated on several reformation formula being mutually agreed among them the application of Information Management System for Immigration supportive to the immigration functions through the application of IT and Communication. Immigration is like a gate which can be electronized to make the system cleaner.

In addition to the above measures, stipulations have been made to designate sterile immigration zones in every immigration checkpoints in airports, harbors and borderline spots. The law also gives preventive and repressive power to the Minister of Law and Human Rights to troubleshoot cases of human trafficking and human smuggling.

Some important points to satisfy the aspirations of mixed marriages (international marriages) have been accommodated, among them separation of Foreign Citizen (WNA) category. The application for staying permit with easier requirements is granted for unlimited time, still with the obligation to report to the Immigration Office every 5 years without cost. The Law also protect the basic right to earn a living for international couples whereby they can work to live and support the family.
The birth of the new Immigration Law had been awaited for a long time. Now mixed couples have their new legal protection which put them in a position equal to Indonesian families.

and Human Rights Patrialis Akbar stated that the Government ensures protection to mixed marriages, provided that the marriage is legal. The Minister reminded that the Immigration Law impose high

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