coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs assessed that their prioritized
mission was to safeguard Indonesia’s outer remote islands. The case of Indonesia-Malaysia
dispute over Sempadan-Ligitan islands which ended up in mediation by the
International Supreme Court in Den Haag Holland who decided Malaysia as winner
of the dispute.
over islands by the two countries has been going on for decades. The Sempadan-Ligitan
island despute brought Indonesia and Malaysia on an agreement in 1969. In that
truce it was agreed that Indonesia and Malaysia would put status quo on the
island which was located in East Kalimantan.
1997 Malaysia and Indonesia agreed to bring the case to International court.
Both countries persisted to claim the island as theirs. “In the past we were
unaware of what was going on. We were supposed to have 17,000 islands but lost
2 islands, we were shocked. By the time the case surfaced in 1969, neither
Malaysia not Indonesia was sure who owned the islands” the coordinating
Minister of Maritime Affairs Indroyono Soesilo told Business News (10/2).
that time indonesia’s second President Suhato ended confrontation against
Malaysia. President Soeharto met with Malaysia’s Prime Minister Tun Abdul Razak
(successor to PM Tengku Abdul Rahman). The two countries agreed to suspend
negotiation over Sipadan Ligitan. In the perspective of history, the
Netherlands claimed one island as part of their Kingdom while Britain claimed
another island as their. Over 32 years Malaysia had gradually developed the
island into a resort. We have been off guard, but we decided to bring the case
to the international Supreme Court in Den Haag.”
judges in the Supreme Court in Den Haag viewed the case on very fundamental
principle: did Indonesia and Malaysia have any proof to support their claim?
Finally the judges referred to the principle of the island were treated as
children and asked to answer the question: “who is your mother who raised you
?” and they would answer “Malaysia.”
might as well Indonesia comply to international Law, but in the future there
should be no more case of island dispute like there Simpadan Ligitan. “To
protect our remote islands, we would build infra structure, inter-insular
connectivity and set up coast guard.”
the other hand the Government of RI had enlisted (Toponim) Indonesian islands
at the United nations. Indonesia was the worlds biggest archipelago with 17,504
islands scattered from Aceh to Papua. 92 small islands bordered on with
neighboring countries. 13,466 islands were certified or enlisted at the united
Nation’s Toponim. Many of the anonymous islands were not occupied by Indonesian
citizens. (SS)
Business News - February 13, 2015
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