Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Denmark Probed on B-to-B Collaboration in Drinking Water Projects in Indoensia

The very limited drinking water services facilities in Indonesia which nation-wise was only 24% of necessity, posted a vast market opportunity for Denmark to sell water pumps [to tap water from natural resources until drinkable] as well as water treatment systems.
The Danish Ambassador for Indonesia, Borge Peterson disclosed the point especially for Business News at the press conference after the Indonesian Danish Water Days 2009 in Jakarta Tuesday [12/5].
However, the use of sophisticated technology for clean water processing or water treatment required high financing. This was a challenge in itself, to think that the application of such expensive system would in the end increase price of drinking water. On the other hand the purchasing power of most people were still low, and so was the funding capacity of the Government therefore, a further discussion on the application of such high-technology in Indonesia, was still necessary to decide whether the collaboration would be exercised on the basis of business to business [B to B] or Government to Government [G to G].
Through Indonesian -Danish water day 2009, Indonesia-Denmark cooperation plan would be focused on actual challenges and existing possibilities which might be solved by bilateral cooperation. In this case Denmark would offer solutions by advanced technology and transfer of knowledge in the management of clean water distribution, energy efficiency in water supplies system, rehabilitation of pipelines, quality management, general water resources tapping, and waste water treatment.

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