Sunday, 3 January 2016


The Asia Foundation (AF) saw the need to bridge gap between producer and user of research data through diagnosis what the problems and need were afield. The way it had always been, AF saw that research outcome of universities and non Governmental bodies were too thick. Besides, producers, especially ministries or Government Institutions had no direct access to research outcome. “Sometimes the research outcome is not as needed. Our concern is to bridge knowledge user,” Robin Bush to AF disclosed to Business News (24/8).

AF was directly involved in knowledge sector initiative (KSI) and be engaged in partnership with universities and research centers. KSI was the result of commitment between the Governments of Indonesia and Australia to upgrade people’s living standard through public policy. The effectiveness afield was seen in that research outcome and analyst were directly applied. “This is the best implementation of development with focus on premium sectors as proclaimed by the Jokowi Government.”

The first stage of the 15 yearly program was until July 31, 2017. This program was executed by an international consortium consisting of Research Triangel Institute (RTI), Overseas Development Institute (ODI), Nossal Institute for Global Health Melbourne and Australian National University. The premium sectors were among others food resiliency, energy resiliency, maritime affairs, industry, and tourism. Our collaboration with BAPENAS is important and strategic. When KSI was designed bilateral formulation had effectively reduce constraints”.

Meanwhile BAPPENAS saw that national development continued to proceed to the next stages. The process of decision making was becoming more complex, as the public was more critical. The era of liberalization and democratization clearly influenced Government’s various decision on national development “Our (the Government’s) policy must be supported by the public; policies must be supported by sound prove by proper methodology” Mesdin Kornelis Simarmata of Bappenas told Business News (24/8).

Bappenas collaborated with some universities and three non-Governmental bodies. The collaboration was expected to promote quality of development planning so the planning could be evidence based. Development experience at home and abroad must by in synergy, simultaneous and applicable in Indonesia. Betterment of policies through evaluation and people’s participation. “Policies must not serve any group’s interest, that’s certainly bad. Policies must be research based.”

The KSI program would select 362 call of papers of conference participants of Best Development Practices and Policies. The result expected was that development planning would be effective because it was processed scientifically and academically. “The 362 call of papers would be squeezed down to 35. We will make sure that they are feasible. Then we would squeeze again to 5. One call of papers for each sector.” (SS) 

Business News - August 28, 2015

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