Sunday, 6 February 2011


The Tempino Plaju Oil pipelines are back in operation at maximum capacity after conflagration at KM 9.62 Mata Merah street, District of Selincah, Kalidony Regency, Palembang. Oil pipelines is put in operation by stages on Friday, August 2010 21.00 hrs and today operation are running normally with flow capacity 9,500 barrel per day. Pertamina has been continuing efforts in the past 2 days of handling spilled oil and manage environmental condition.

The effort to troubleshoot oil spill was to do sprouting 300 lires of aqua quick to separate oil spill to minimize effect of oil spill on environment, operating vacuum truck while preparing a fire brigade to anticipate conflagration, cleaning of polluted areas and repairing damaged facilities.

The fire occurring in the pipelines was suspected as veiled that the fire coincided with two missing bolts and to spill out of pipe and fire flared up at 06.30 on Friday August 13, 2010. Fire was finally estinguished at 16.40 on Friday August 13, 2010.

To troubleshoot oil spill, overflow of oil was accommodated in pipe segments from km 8.3 to km 27 on tank booster sloops at km 27 and changing of pipe lines. In 2010 PT Pertamina Gas Coy as subsidiary company of Pertamina specializing in oil and gas transportation had planned gradual replacement of pipes. This multii-year program is aimed at upgrading quality and safety measures on the Tempino Plaju for 257 km long ; this year pipe renewals are being carried out for 20 km long.

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