Tuesday, 1 February 2011


The Government would not loosely implement renumeration at the ministries/institutions (K/L) who asked for renumeration fund at least in 11 K/L from 2010 to 2011. Secretary General of the Ministry of Finance Mulya Nasution stated that K/L asking for fund were obliged to meet the three requirements, i.e. organization, administration, and management.

“One thing to obsever is that giving away of renumeration is important to accomplish independent bu reaucracy and must be exercised as soon as other requirements are met” this was disclosed by Mulya Nasution at the National Convention on Accountancy for Government’s Financial Report in Jakarta, Tuesday (27/7/2010)

As known, the first requirement was that K/L must restructure organization “And to make sure that the main task is appropriate, whether decentralization from central to regions has been exercised, and whether thestructure is not over-expanded causing unemployment in disguise Secondly, reformation of administration and reformation of the management and human resourcer. The requirements are set forth so renumeration can bet set on the right target. It must not happen that after renumeration was given there will be stow aways on board because performance appraisals has not been made”.

At the moment the Ministry of Finance was discussing with the Ministry of Empowerment of State Aparatus to evaluate requirements for renumrration for 11K/L. The accomplishmemt now was 60% to 70%.

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