Data compiled by the Indonesia Sugar Association (AGI) from sugar factories has it that realization national sugar production through milling season of 2010 until November 2010 was posted at 2.123 million tons. That amount of sugar production came from plantation areas of 397.804.70 ha, yielding sugarcane for milling 32.524 million tons with average yield of 6.54%.
Sugar producing companies of Java contribute 1.327 million tons of sugar, obtained from sugarcane fields covering 263,729.66 ha, yielding 21.860 million sugarcane for mill with average yields of 6.08%. the sugar mill producing most sugar is PT Perkebunan Nusantara X (PTPN X) amounting to 408.688.25 tons, followed by PTPN XI(301,568.00 tons ), PT PG Rajawali (163,335.05 tons),PT Kebon Agung (143,921.84 tons), PTPN IX (123,9356.41 tons) and PT PG Rajawali II(103,226.24 tons).
Sugar mils outside Java contribute sugar production to the amount of 795,891.01 tons, obtained from sugarcane fields producing 134.04 ha for milling, with total weight of 10.664 million tons and average yields of 7.47%. the sugar mill producing most sugar is PT Gunung Madu Plantation (195,015.37 tons ) followed by PT Gula Putih Mataram (129,373.98 tons ) and PT Sweet Indolampung (126,957.96 tons).
New Projects
Furtermore AGI also noted there are some investors interesting in investing capital in the sugar industry. A Singapore company ( Listed Indofood Agri resources Ltd or Indo Agri) is now building a sugar mill in South Sumatra, scheduled of operations in 2010. furthermore there is PT Laju Perdana Indah of salim Group who also build a sugarmill in Sumatra at the capacity of 8.000 tons of sugarcane/day.
Some similar projects are also planned to be built in Merauke by investor Hardaya Papua Plantation, Rajawali Corp, and Wilmar, Meanwhile permata Hijau Resources plan to build sugar mill in Sambas, West Kalimantan at the capacity of 8,000 sugarcanes/day. South Korea’s Park Energy PTE Ltd are doing feasibility study for new sugar mill at Bener Merah, collaborating with the Provincial Government.
Furthermore, 4 State Owned Enterprises (PTPN IX,X, and PT RNI) had signed MoU for building a sugar mill Merauke, Papua, collaboration with the local Government of the Czech Republik had been given green light to build a sugar mill in Mojokerto, East Java, collaborating with PT Rosen Kencana the sugar mills has the capacity of 6,00 tons sugarcane/day, the cost of project is worth around US$ 100 million.
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