Sunday, 6 February 2011


Prices of many commoditien in July 2010, in deneral, increased. Based on resulf of observation of Central Board of Statistics (BPS) in 66 cities in July 2010, inflation rate reached 1.57 percent, or there was an increase of Consumer Price Index (IHK) FROM 119.86 in June 2010 to 121.74 in July 2010. Calendar year inflation (January-July) of 2010 reached 4.02 percent and year-on-year inflation (July 2010 from July 2009) reached 6.22 percent.

Inflation was due to price increase as shown of increase of following indices of food by 4.69 percent; ready-to-eat food, beverages, cigarettes, and tobacco by 0.65 percent; water, electricity, gas, and fuel by 0.26 percent; health by 0.27 percent; educations, recreations, and sports by 0.86 percent; and transportations, communications, and financial services 1.51 percent. While, clothing, in this month, experienced decrease of index by 0.09 percent.

Commodities which experienced price increase in July 2010 included, amongst others : rice, services for arranging extension of period of motor vehicle license, purebred chicken meats, red chili, garlic, red pungent chili, fresh fish, purebred chicken eggs, red onion, potatoes, rice and side dishes,refined sugar, tariff of house contract, air transportation tariff, cow meats, kangkung (a kind of vegetable growing in water), green chili, carrorts, apple, orange, fried chicken, filter clove cigarettes, tariff of house rent, wages of non-supervisor construction workers, fuel for household uses, elementary school tuition fee, secondary school tuition fee, high school tuition fee, university tuition fee, and services for arranging driving license. And, commodities which prices decreased included : gold jewelry, cherry tomatoes, tomatoes, and cooking oil.

Categories of commodities that gave contribution to inflation in July 2010 included : food 1.80 percent; ready-to-eat food, beverages, cigarettes, and tobacco 0.12 percent; housing, water, electricity, and fuel 0.07 percent; health 0.01 percent; educations, recreations, and sports 0.06 percent; and transportations, communications, and financial services 0.25 percent. And, clothing, in this month, gave a contribution of 0.02 percent to deflation.

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