Monday, 28 July 2008

State electricity company (PLN) and entrepreneurs discuss rates for industry

The State Electricity Company (PLN) began negotiations with the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) about the electricity rates for industry. “We want the rates on weekdays to be Rp1,300 kilowatt per hour,” said PLN's director Fahmi Mohtar yesterday. He said that by using this, rates on weekends will be cheaper than weekdays. Fahmi explained that PLN has divided work hours into 12 clusters based on the distribution region. The cluster will shift work hours every month. Earlier, the entrepreneurs preferred to have higher rates than it does with shifting the work schedule to weekends. According to Kadin's head, Mohammad S. Hidayat, around 40 percent of 120 members of Kadin's members support the rate rise. “We are being realistic about the electricity supply,” he said. (

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