Friday, 5 June 2009

Indonesia’s Economy Grew by 4.4% in Quarter One 2009

The Central Board of Statistics disclosed on Friday [15/5] that Indonesia’s economic growth reached 4.4% in Quarter I of 2009, against growth of the same period in 2008.

Head of the Board of Statistics Rusman Heriawan disclosing the matter in a press conference said that growth was happening in all sectors. The growth, sector wise was in the following order : transportation-communication up by 16.7%, electricity, gas and clean water 11.4% services 6.8%, construction 6.3%, finance/real estate/company services 6.3%, agriculture 4.8%, minery and excavations 2.2%, processing industry 1.6% and trading/hotel-restaurant 0.6%.

GDP minus oil-gas chain-wise at Quarter I 2009 compared to same Quarter in the previous year [Y-on-Y] grew by 4.8%.

In Quarter I 2009, the economic sector playing at the biggest role was the industrial processing sector 27.3%, followed by agricultural sector 15.8%, trading-hotel-restaurant 13.4%, services sector 10,0% and the industrial sector 9.6%. As a whole, the five sectors had a share of growth of 76.1% in GDP. Meanwhile the role of 4 other sectors had a share of less than 9% respectively. Meanwhile the role of all economic sectors minus oil-gas by Quarter I was posted at 92.9%.

The agriculture, electricity and gas-clean water, construction, and services sector played an increasing role in Quarter I 2009 against Quarter I and Quarter IV 2008. Meanwhile the minery and excavation sector and trading-hotel-restaurant showed a downturn in Quarter I 2009 compared to Quarter I of 2008 and Quarter IV 2008. Particularly the processing and transportation communication surprisingly showed an upturn in Quarter I 2009 compared to Quarter I 2008.

By utility or demand, Indonesia’s GDP was influenced by various factors like demand, i.e. in household expenditures, government consumptive expenditures and or capital injection for physical investment and export-import.

Expenditure for household consumption based on effective price which was the biggest contributors, i.e. 62.2% [Quarter I 2009] showed a minor downturn. The same downturn was shown in government consumptive expenditures and export-import.

Indonesia’s economic structure in Quarter I 2009 was in particular dominated by the provinces in Java which contributed to the GDP 58.3%, followed by Sumatra 23.4%, Kalimantan 9.4%, Sulawesi 4.3% and the remaining 4.6% was shared by other islands.

In java, the biggest contributor to GDP was Jakarta [16.5%], East Java [15.3%], West Java [14.4%] and Central Java [8.4%].

In Sumatera, three provinces which were the biggest contributors were Riau [6.9%], North Sumatra [5.2%] and South Sumatra [2.8%].

The biggest contributing province in Kalimantan were East Kalimantan 6.4% whilst the biggest contributor in Sulawesi island was South Sulawesi Province 2.1%.

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