Sunday, 14 September 2014


Amendment of Consumers’ Protection Law No. 8 /1999, after being submitted to the President, was now being returned to the Government for synchronizing. Over the past years, the Government and the national Consumer Protection Board [BPKN], had completed discussion of amendment to the law.

Speaking in Jakarta on Thursday [7/8], Chairman of BPKN David Tobing stated that BPKN had accommodated some suggestions and recommendations. So far there had been a number of recommendations well responded to by the Government such as recommendations on parking system and recommendation to help Consumers NGO at court.

Ardiansyah said that pursuant to that mater Call Center 153 had been launched last year, so far the body was collaborating with one of the leading operators whose share was owned by one of the BUMN in telecommunication. So far there had been 200 complaints already being processed by BKPN and 1,000 complaints had been underway over the past 3 years.

Meanwhile the Director General of Standardization and Consumer’s Protection [SPK] of the Ministry of Trade Widodo on that occasion stated that the number of below standard products were less than in 2013. He mentioned some determinant factors, among others improved consumer’s intelligence, so if consumer’s were disadvantaged they would make use of the available complaining facilities. Besides various publicizing campaigns by the Government like under the theme of “intelligent consumers love domestic made products.” Was beginning to be accepted by the public.

The Minister of Trade together with some related institutions had been regularly controlling products in circulations had been regularly controlling products in circulations in relation to the SNI quality Standarization Program, including compulsory labeling, inclusion of manual and graduate card in Indonesian language. Since January to July 2014 of 137 products 19 products were declared as rule-abiding, 75 products not qualified and 43 products still undergoing lab test. Widodo remarked further that in June of 168 findings around 70% were imported products not SNI qualified, not including label and manual in Indonesian language for electronic products.

“An example of SNI labeled products were energy saving lamp and gas tube regulators which were mostly imported products. In fact some of the importers already had SPPTNI Certificates and NPB Registration Number, but after through inspection they were evidently off-standard”

For the matter the Ministry of Trade would coordinate with the Customs Dept so Letter of Goods Registration would not be issued for such imported products. Without invoice, by the time the goods arrived at the harbor, they should be re-exported of destroyed. For those who already possessed SPPT SNI we and the Customs would have their product sample taken by the time the ship embarked on Indonesia. If they were off-standard, they must be re-exported of destroyed by the owner. “Only products which were in accordance with SNI standard are permitted to enter Indonesia.” He said. (SS)

Business New - August 13, 2014

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