In Indonesia, there are 183
underdeveloped regions. But, in fact, these regencies have many leading
commodity potencies that are not yet developed optimally. Helmi Faishal Zaini,
Minister for Acceleration of Development of Underdeveloped Regions, stated this
The potency has not been utilized
optimally is due to inadequate availability of land, unmanaged potency, lack of
infrastructures in production centers, low quality and productivity of output, in
optimality of market and capital access.
“In any underdeveloped regions
that I visited, I always found abandoned land. Therefore, we cooperate with the
National Land Agency to perform agrarian reform. Abandoned land in the regencies
are returned to the communities”, he said.
Priority program of the Minister
for Acceleration of Development of Underdeveloped Regions is District's
Superior Product (Prukab) adopting Thailand’s One Village One Product concept.
Each regency is given freedom to determine its leading product, then there is
a stimulant fund from the Ministry for Acceleration of Development of
Underdeveloped Regions for development of the region concerned.
Ministry for Acceleration of Development of Underdeveloped
Regions also coordinates with other ministries in building infrastructures,
capital access, and marketing access. “Prukab starts from Bangka. “We provide
the local community with capital to plant vegetables on 1 hectare of former tin
mining reclamation land for each household head. Those who formerly did not
have income, now earn income of Rp 2 million/household head”, he said.
Through coordination with the
National Land Agency, it is expected that every year in each regency there is
1,000 hectare of abandoned land returned to the community. “The regency shall
report to us about the location of the abandoned land. Then, the Notional Lend
Agency will arrange the administrative and legal processes of the land
concerned. After that, community may choose whether it will be in the form of
pinjam pakai (borrow and use) or any other form. The important thing is that the
community will have access to land”. Helmi said.
After it is achiever the
following program is to increase community capacity and increase of harvest
quality. “Many leading commodities originate from underdeveloped regions. A
largest part of Indonesia’s coffee and cacao is produced in underdeveloped regions.
If the raw material is good, we will attempt so that the product could go to
further downstream processes”, he said.
Head of National Lend Agency, Hendarman
Soepanji, said that National Lend Agency cooperates with the Ministry for
Acceleration of Development of Underdeveloped Regions for the provision of
state land, which is formerly abandoned land, to be utilized by communities.
The National Land Agency has the responsibility to provide land and to perform
land certification.
Yuswanda Tumenggung, Deputy for
Land Administration and Arrangement of the National Land Agency, said that
total size of abandoned land identified is 7.2 million hectare. Most of them
are former HGU (Cultivation Right) owned by large plantation firms, and some of
them are shrimp ponds. There is also land whose location permit is unused.
After a detailed identification,
estimated total of abandoned land that can be used is 4.2 million hectare. “The
problem is that to discipline use of abandoned land is not easy as they are
spreading everywhere”, he said. The disciplining process is also not easy
because even though it has been stated clearly by the Law, abandoned land can
be taken over by the state, but the administrative process is not easy.
After giving 3 times reminders,
there are tens of HGU and location permits taken over by the National Land
Agency. Around 50% of HGU owners filed lawsuit to the court, and the National
Lend Agency loses in almost 50% of the cases. After the land is distributed, it
must be clear who obtains the ownership right. “'We should prevent a case like
core plasma oil palm plantation. In this case, what happened is not lend
distribution, but land reconcentration because the plasma plantation is sold
and owned by 1 or 2 parsons”, he said.
Business News - November 21, 2012
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