About wheat, the Indonesian
Trading and Security Committee (KPPI) had begun survey on August 24, 2012. While survey was underway, the Association of
Indonesian Flour Producers (APTINDO) on October 1, 2012 made a request to the
Indonesian Government to impose Temporary Act of Security Tax (BMTPS). KPPI had
recommended application of BMPTS and was approved by the Ministry of Trade.
As published in the press release
of the Ministry of Trade, according to Chairman of the Indonesian Trading and
Security Committee (KPPI) Bachrul Khaki, today the Minister of trade had
consulted the related Ministers for the nation’s interest. The size of BMTPS
Tax was 20% of the imported wheat value and would he imposed for 200 days.
BMPTS for flour and wheat would
be imposed on items of any country of origin, except those originating from
developing countries whose market share was not more then 3% or accumulatively
not more than 9% (accumulative amount of goods from developing countries whose
market share was not more then 3%). For 200 days KPPI would conduct investigations
to decide whether or not to recommend imposition of BMTP by request of
“In handling those cases we strive
to perform our duties objectively, transparently in accordance with the
effective law” Bachrul was quoted as saying Aptindo’s Request.
Meanwhile Executive Director of Aptindo Rama Sari
Loppiee had asked for the Government to support the petition to investigate due
to the land sliding import of flour and wheat to Indonesia, where associations
had asked for the application of BMIP and they also requested BMIPS to be
applied in tandem with the investigation. Meanwhile the Association reasoned
that BMIPS was proposed on October 1, 2012 as there were still imported goods
priced at dumping priced; and the Association disclosed that there had been
irreparable damage, i.e. serious injury on four new industries and that the
problem could only be solved by Government’s intervention by way of protection.
Very frequently selling price of local products had to be lower then even the
price of raw materials because they had to compete against imported goods by
dumping. Meanwhile local industries had to struggle to survive to maintain the
employed workers by way of selling products below production price and
consequently debt had to be bigger than receivables.
The Association also stated that Aptindo’s petition
for dumping had been cancelled because it had expired. Meanwhile the reason for
proposing safeguard for trade protection was because of increased export
volume through 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and Q-1 and Q-2 of 2012.
Meanwhile downturn of imparted
goods in 2011 was thankfully because some importers were beginning to operate
as producers such as Lumhung Nasional, Golden Grand, end Agri First. Somehow in
2011 their production output slightly went down on account of increased raw
materiel of wheat grains and increased value of Rupiah against USD which caused
Indonesian products to be less competitive. Aptindo was of opinion that the
application of BMIPS/BMIP were for the sake of national interest, because I had
undergone a procedure which was stipulated by regulations based on VVTO
Aptindo stated that if the policy of trading
protection was applied then:
- The state would earn state revenues from the collected tax.
- Industries which suffered loss could be helped to survive, which meant it would also save Indonesian workers being threatened by unemployment.
- It would bring positive impact on investment climate in Indonesia, due to legal assurance in doing business.
The Government would be consistent about protecting
domestic industry from fraudulent acts of foreign countries permissible by WTO
rules. Meanwhile if trading protection was not applied, UKM small business as
buyer of domestic flour would suffer due to collapsed domestic industry which
had been acting as their nurturers while collapsed domestic industry had its
impact on joblessness.
The Government had lost lest KADI investment coat
without having benefits end this had its negative impact on investment climate in
Indonesia as there was no legal assurance in business.
Business News - November 21, 2012
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