Tuesday, 12 March 2013


Ministry of Marine And Fisheries (KKP) formu­lated three supporting factors as accelerator of cap­ture fisheries industrialization. The three supporting factors are restructuring of fishing fleets, improve­ment of fishery ports facilities and Fish Landing Bases (PPI). Development of fisheries supporting factors is aimed to support increase of fishery production integrally and to synergize with fish capture activities and processing units on land oriented toward domestic and overseas markets.

“The supporting facilities should be well-prepared in order to lure investors to make investment in capture fisheries sector which will finally increase economy of the fisheries community”, Director General of Capture Fisheries at KKP, Marwoto, told Business News (11/12).

­ For procurement of ships with deadweight tonnage of 10 - 30 GT, KKP has distributed 69 units of Inka Mina ships in 13 provinces. Until October, there are 245 units of ships in construction stage with around 98 percent of completion stage. And, to reduce Quota of oil fuel (BBM) subsidies, KKP has prepared converters for use of LPG cylinders of 130 unite in Lekok Pasuruan and Muara Angke fish landing units.

KKP recorded improvement in integrated and one-roof service in the fishery port with Catch Cer­tificate (SHTI) system and data entry integrally con­sisting of SHTI, server logbook, licensing, registra­tion to RFMO, and VMS registration. From a total of 816 fishery ports, 23 units, namely 6 Ocean Fishery Ports (PPS), 14 Nusantara Fishery Ports (PPN), and 3 Coastal Fishery Ports (PPP), are managed by the central government. And, the remaining 793 units are managed by the regional governments end 2 units managed by private parties.

KKP continually performs development and management of Fish Lending Bases (PPI). Since 2012, KKP has designated 26 locations as fish land­ing bases. PPI is a unit that could support better fish­eries building and development. “The existence of PPI could support the fishermen community so they are willing to land their catch to be auctioned in order to obtain reasonable fish prices.”

Regulation support is in favor of business op­erators. With a good regulation support, it is expected to lure investors to invest in fisheries sector. While, for industrialization development in the eastern part of Indonesia, the development is more specific. This is because there is less adequate number of processing ­ industries in fisheries sector. This has caused flood of fishermen’ catch, as there are limited number of buyers.

KKP pays a lot of attention to poverty eradi­cation in coastal areas end fisheries centers. This is marked by the implementation of Rural Mina Business Development (PUMP) program on Capture Fisheries activities. There are around 3,700 Collective Business Groups (KUB) entitled to receive PUMP assistance in 33 provinces and 288 regencies/cities. Total direct assistance that has been cashed is recorded at 2,856 KUB. PUMP on Capture Fisheries is one of capture fisheries development models for poverty eradication and for increasing competitiveness and added value directed toward rural-based capture fisheries devel­opment. “The aim of PUMP is to boost production in­crease, to develop entrepreneurship, and to increase welfare of marine and fisheries communities in rural areas.”

208,068 units of fisherman cards have been distributed in 33 provinces. The benefit of Fisherman Card is to record the exact number of fishermen for mapping of quote of diesel fuel allocation to fisher­men and for distribution of assistance in the form of fishing equipment and fishing boats. With fishermen card, fishermen could receive BBM subsidies, health assistance, and other social assistance. For land title certification for fishermen up to October 2012, there are 3,000 certificates with 15,470 units of lend par­cels in 8 provinces.

Business News - November 19, 2012

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