Tuesday, 26 March 2013


Business people urged the Government to im­mediately settle employer-employee dispute so as not to disrupt business climate.  Harmonious, dynamic and fair business climate was beginning to be torn apart due to multi-interpretation of the labor law between the Government, businesspeople, and labor unions. Economic growth at home must be accompanied by betterment of welfare of the employees end sur­rounding communities or else, the condition might af­fect industrial relationship the way it had always been as indicated by wild demonstrations demanding high pay.

Similarly workers and businesspeople were reminded not to exchange threat in regard to dissent­ing opinion about industrial relationship. Member of the Consultative Board of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce (KADIN) Oesman Septa pled workers in Jakarta on Wednesday (14/11/2012) not to be an­archic when demanding welfare. On the other hand businesspeople were asked not to make a one-sided decision by way of stopping production just because they felt they were burdened by workers’ demand. Solution of settlement between employers and em­ployees must be arrived at so as net to disrupt business climate in Indonesia which was conclusive to in­vestment. “All parties must cooperate to find solution of labor conflicts happening today and avoid any act which disadvantage all parties.” Oesmari was quoted as saying.

Septa rated that the Government needed to manage an industrial relationship which was fair, hu­man, productive and mutually beneficial. To that end, the role and collaboration between workers and busi­nesspeople were called for. To the workers he pled them to stop acts of sweeping in factories because it would interrupt the process of production which was self destructive to the workers themselves and might lead to closing of companies. To the businesspeople he reminded not lock out their factories which would disadvantage all parties. Businesspeople were asked to take measures to step up workers’ welfare.

Oesmen was expecting there was sound mea­sure by KADIN in solving dispute between businesspeople and workers so it would not disturb business climate in Indonesia. He also reminded KADIN not to be a political instrument. Oesrnan would regret it if KADIN did not do much to solve the frictions between businesspeople and workers. He rated that workers demonstrations lately which ended up in violence was not totally workers’ mistake. He believed that labor unions did not mean to interrupt the process of pro­duction and business climate, but it was merely is de­mand for better welfare. They had contributed a great deal to companies. This was where KADIN must play the role since KADIN was the only organization legal­ized by Law no/year 1986 on KADIN.

Oesmen was also against the idea that the In­donesian Businesspeople Association (Apindo) coun­ter-acted workers’ move by production strike. As published, Chairman of Apindo Sofjan Wanandi once stated there were around 100 factories which would lock out their factories if the Government failed to take firm action on acts of sweeping and intimidation by labor union leaders who tend to be anarchic. At that time Sofjan disclosed there were 292 members of Apindo who reported of acts of sweeping and in­timidation by labor unions in their factories, 10 of the factories decided to stop production temporarily.

Oesman was expecting businesspeople to take measures to promote workers welfare. Accord­ing to Oesman, businesspeople and workers must make use of biparty bodies through intensive and hospitable communications whereby to prevent fric­tions as early as possible and create peaceful working atmosphere. He rated that lately the employer-em­ployees relationship was dynamic. “Debates over the issue of outsourcing, wages stipulation and welfare insurance must not disturb harmonious relationship” Osman concluded.

Business News - November 21, 2012

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