Tuesday, 18 September 2012


Head of Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), M. Chatib Basri, said that in Semester I of 2012, distribution of investment project locations outside Java reaches Rp 68.3 trillions or increases 46.1% from total investment realization. If compared to the same period of 2011 at Rp 56.7 trillions, there is an increase in investment realization outside Java of 20.5%.

Based on Economic Corridor, investment realization in Semester I of 2012 is illustrated as follows: Sumatera Economic Corridor with investment realization at Rp 24.2 trillions (16.4%) consisting of Domestic Investment (PMDN) at Rp 8.1 trillion and Foreign Investment (PMA) at USD 1.8 billions. Sectors which are dominant for PMDN consist of Paper, Articles of Paper, Articles of Paper, and Printing Industry (Rp 2.2 trillion); Basic Chemical, Chemical Goods, and Pharmaceutical Industry (Rp 1.5 trillion), Food Industry (Rp 0.9 trillion), Mining (Rp 0.9 trillion), Food Crops and Plantation (Rp 0.7 trillion). Business sectors which are dominant for PMA consist of Food Crops and Plantation (USD 0.3 trillion); Paper, Articles of Paper, and Printing Industry USD 0.3 billion), Mining (USD 0.3 billion), Basic Chemical, Chemical Goods, and Pharmaceutical Industry (Rp 0.2 billion); and Food Industry (USD 0.2 billion).

Java Economic Corridor with investment realization at Rp 79.9 trillion (53.9%) consisting of PMDN at Rp 19.9 trillion and PMA at USD 6.7 billion. Business sectors which are dominant for PMDN consist of Basic Metal, Metal Articles, Machinery, and Electronic Industry (Rp 3.9 trillion); Transportation, Warehousing and Telecommunications (Rp 2.4 trillions); Mining (Rp 1.8 trillion), Paper, Articles of Paper and Printing Industry (Rp 1.8 trillions); Rubber, Articles of Rubber and Plastic Industry (Rp 1.6 trillion); Rubber, Articles of Rubber and Plastic Industry (Rp 1.6 trillions). Business sectors which are dominant for PMA consists of Transportation, Warehousing and telecommunications (USD 1.1 billions); Basic Metal, Metal Goods, Machinery and Electronic Industry (USD 0.8 billion), Transport Vehicle and Other Transportation (USD 0.7 billion); Electricity, Gas and Water (USD 0.7 billion); and Food Industry (USD 0.6 billion).

Kalimantan Economic Corridor with investment realization at Rp 21.4 trillion (14.5%) consisting of PMDN at Rp 8.9 trillions and PMA at USD 1.4 billions. Business sectors which are dominant for PMDN consist of Mining (4.5 trillions), Food Crops and Plantation (Rp 3.3 trillions); Food Industry (Rp 0.8 trillion); Basic Chemical, Chemical Goods and Pharmaceutical Industry (USD 0.4 billion), Mining (USD 0.2 billion); Basic Metal, Metal Goods, Machinery and Electronic Industry (USD 0.1 billion); and Food Industry (USD 0.06 billion).

Sulawesi Economic Corridor with investment realization at Rp 9.0 trillions (6.1%) consisting of PMDN at Rp 3.1 trillions and PMA at USD 0.7 billion. Business sectors which are dominant for PMDN consist of Non-Metal Mineral Industry (Rp 1.5 trillion); Electricity, Gas and Water (Rp 0.7 trillion); Food Industry (Rp 0.3 trillion); Basic Metal, Metal Goods, Machinery and Electronic Industry (Rp 0.2 trillion); Hotel and Restaurants (Rp 0.2 trillion). Business sectors which are dominant for PMA consist of Mining (USD 0.4 billion); Basic Chemical, Chemical Goods and Pharmaceutical Industry (USD 0.2 billion); and Food Industry (USD 0.02 billion).

Bali and Nusa Tenggara Economic Corridor with investment realization at Rp 6.6 trillions (4.5%) consisting of PMDN at Rp 0.3 trillion and PMA at USD 0.7 billion. Business sectors which are dominant for PMDN consist of Miscellaneous Services (Rp 0.1 trillion); Electricity, Gas and Water (Rp 0.08 trillion); Hotel and Restaurants (Rp 0.05 trillion); Mining (Rp 0.03 trillion); Fishery (Rp 0.01 trillion). Business sectors which are dominant for PMA consist of Mining (USD 0.5 billion); Hotel and Restaurants (USD 0.2 billion); Housing, Industrial Zone and Offices (USD 0.04 billion); Trading and Repair (USD 0.01 billion).

Maluku and Papua Economic Corridor with investment realization at Rp 7.0 trillion (4.7%) consisting of PMDN at Rp 0.08 trillion and PMA at USD 0.8 billion. Business sectors which are dominant for PMDN consist of Timber Industry (Rp 0.05 trillion); Food Crops and Plantation (Rp 0.03 trillions). Business sectors which are dominant for PMA consist of Mining (USD 0.7 billion); Food Crops and Plantation (USD 0.07 billion).

Business News - August 1, 2012

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