Monday, 27 July 2009

Commission VI of Parliament Approved Government Workplan 2010 for Investment Coordination Board [BKPM]

Commission VI of the Parliament approved the State Budget of Foreign Investment Coordination Board [BKPM] particularly on the Government’s workplan 2020, among which was the Workplan 2010 on the upgrading of natural resources management and the anticipation of climate change. This was disclosed by Vice Chairman of Commission VI of Parliament Anwar Sanusi upon leading the hearing session with the Vice Chairman of BKPM Yus’an at the house of representative.

The Investment Coordination Board BKPM was urged to set up a program which was inter-supportive and sustainable. In addition to that Commission VI of Parliament also asked for the breakdown and supplement of ceiling figures for budget year 2009. The indicative ceiling of BKPM for 2010 was Rp 364.967 billion. Further discussion on 2020 budget would be made in the hearing session with the Senior Secretary of BKPM.

Commission VI of Parliament had asked BKPM to take acceleration steps in the effort to optimize budget realization and program effectiveness until budget year 2009. This was due to low degree of utilization of BKPM budget which, up to June26 only absorbed Rp 136.627 billion or 36.26 % of budget selling.

Meanwhile Vice Chairman of BKPM, Yus’an stated, in accordance with the Government’s workplan 2010, the fourth priority of development of agriculture, infra-structure and energy. The program strategy to be implemented and prioritized by BKPM in Government Workplan 2010 for economic recovery would reliant on the development of agriculture, infra-structure and energy which were categorized into 3 program namely: upgrading of public services, revitalization and realization of investments plans, augmenting of promotional program and investment collaboration.

BKPM in budget year 2009 was entitled to budget ceiling of Rp 376.815 billion. The allocation for budget ceiling of State Budget 2009 was divided into 4 programs, among which were promotion of investment climate and realization of investment.
In the effort to optimize absorption of budget, and to ensure maximum efficiency whereby all plans could be well executed, the BPKM had taken the following steps: to identify hindrances in the execution of programs, whereby to further find alternative solution and to optimize the effectiveness of ala activities.

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