To support fiscal policy of
2014, state’s income of 2014 was targeted at Rp1.662.5 trillion consisting of
domestic income Rp1,661.1 trillion, and income from grant Rp1.4 trillion. Compared
to APBN-P State Budget 2013, the amount showed increase of Rp160.5 trillion or
10.7%. The estimated state income of 2014 was based on basic macro economic assumption of state’s
income policy execution. This was data of Financial Notice and RAPBN 2014
obtained on Monday [26.8].
In the effort to meet national development target and
meet economic challenges of 2014, the Government planned to adopt healthy and
effective fiscal policy toward strengthening economic growth which was
inclusive, sustainable and of high quality. In 2014 the Government planned to
run the policy of deficit handling [not more than 1.5% against GDP] and to
control primary balance by optimizing state’s income and improvement of
expenditure quality. Besides, there would also be control of debt-to-GDP ratio
through financing control based on credit, net negative inflow policy and use
of credit resources productive means.
As main source of development financing, income from tax
still had to meet many challenges and opportunities, particularly as related to
tax resources from informal sector and UMKM small business. By mid 2013 the
informal sector and UMKM had still not contributed significantly to state’s
income, but was being jacked up to increase. Execution of PP no.46 year 2013 on
income tax received by tax having certain Gross Income, was one of the key
solutions of maximizing tax income in the future.
Meanwhile the effort to increase income from export tax
in the years to come still had to face challenges from fluctuative international
price of CPO and stipulation of export tax in line with industrial upstreaming
level of CPO and their by-products. The objective of upstreaming was to
increase added value and comparative advantage of CPO at home so for ex from
export of processed products would increase. However the shift of exported
products from CPO to upstream CPO and their by-products had the impact of lower
export tax which had its impact on lessened potential of income from export
Business News - August 30, 2013