Wednesday, 16 September 2009

The Rattan Potentials of Central Kalimantan has International Bargaining Power

Head of the Technical Team of Commission VI of Parliament of Central Kalimantan, Hasto Kristiyanto stated, the potentials of Central Kalimantan as resource of rattan raw materials was vast so that the development of clusters of rattan industry may develop in time to come. All matters concerning people’s capability to produce became the main attention of Commission IV of Parliament.

The production of rattan raw materials from Indonesia has strong bargaining power at the International market. It was expected that development of the industry would enhanced. There has already been stages of improvements, where rattan were not just delivered as raw materials but in the form of ready made goods like furnitures or other handicrafts. The objective was to step up rattan exports in terms of quality and quantity time after time.

Commission IV of the Parliament would constantly support the condition of Expo or rattan products at home and abroad. The regency of Katingan could participate in such events as a medium of promotion to market rattan products. In regard to processing machines for rattan, Commission VI of Parliament believed that the Department of Industry sticks to its commitment to develop machines which may speed up the rattan processing around the Katigan regency.

Meanwhile Surya, Vice Regent of the Regency of Katingan urged the Central Government to pay attention to the rattan industry in the Regency of Katingan in Central Kalimantan by developing the rattan industry and building market base whereby to sell the rattan products, so that the mission and of the Katingan to become center of rattan industry and trading in Indonesia could be realized.
Managing Director of the rattan Industry of Katingan Regency, Sonny remarked that in spite of the immense resources of rattan raw materials we did not wish to remain as supplier of raw materials, we have the ambition to be the exporter of rattan products.

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