Tuesday, 19 June 2012


            The Board of Financial Examination (BPK)’s rating for Central Government’s Financial Report (LKPP) 2011 was qualified opinion. Beside extending qualified opinion for LKPP, BPK also mentioned that account of LKPP 2011 was less than LKPP 2010. This was disclosed by Chairman of LKPP Hadi Purnomo in presenting report of BPK examination outcome on Central Government’s LKPP Financial Report 2011 during House’s Plenary Report at the House of Representatives.

            The lessened number of account signaled positive performance thanks to Government’s hard work to step up quality of financial report. Opinion for LKPP was in line with stepping up quality of financial report by Government ministries or institutions and Financial report of State’s General Treasury (LKBUN).

            Opinion for LKKL and LKBUN which was the main element of LKPP showed remarkable progress. The number of ministries and Government’s institutions which got qualified opinion (WTP) from BPK had been continuing to increase year after year.

            In 2008 there were 35 KL/BA BUN which received qualified opinion, further increasing to 45 in 2009 numbering 53 KL/BA BUN in 2010 and 267 KL/BA in 2011. Furthermore review outcome of 2011 showed that of 45 criteria being stipulated, 22 of them had been fulfilled, another 22 not fully fulfilled and one criterion not fulfilled.

            Meanwhile the problems that caused unqualified opinion of LKPP 2011 was incompatibility with Government’s Standard of Accountancy (SAP), weakness in internal control, and disobedience to the stipulations of law and regulation. 

Business News - June 6, 2012

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