Thursday, 29 May 2014


The era of industrialization with Blue Economy Approach proclaimed by the Ministry of Maritime and Fishery [K K PI had evidently enhanced management of marine and fishery resources. In short, development of marine and fishery by Blue Economy principle had been fruitful.

For that matter, it had been KKP's commit­ment that Blue Economy be implemented in various policy execution, especially in the development and acceleration program of KKP where industrialization would be prioritized in minapolitan zones. Synergy of minapolitan development, industrialization and blue economy was for acceleration and strengthening of added value toward sustainable blue economy.

The Minister of KKP Sharif Cicip Sutardjo stated in Jakarta on Tuesday [6/5] that he under­scored the principle of Blue Economy in line with pro­motion and industrialization in maritime and fishery business. The Minister stated that blue economy became a corridor so the process of industrialization being exercised would stick to the concept of natural resources conservation. Blue Economy is a new approach to continued development and fine tuning of the concept.

Sharif explained that the Blue Economy Con­cept was among others learning from nature espe­cially the process of eco-system or known as the logic of eco-system, creativity and endless innova­tion. Sharif also elaborated on the principle of Blue Economy among others efficiency in natural resource exploration, the zero waste concept, and social inclu­sion.

Sharif also disclosed there were eight factors which determined success in development of the maritime and fishery sector, namely continuity of fish resources, infra structure availability, development of innovation and technology application. Furthermore high quality marine and fishery, competent Human Resources, potential market and investment support, supportive Government regulation.

On broader sense, Sharif elaborated the Gov­ernment was determined to spur on pro-Green policy which was rated as part of the sustainable develop­ment strategy and Green Economy implementation which was pro-growth, pro- jobs and pro-poor. He said that one of the points was the glass house effect reduction and to increase carbon reserves. The pro­gram was implemented by way of tree planting and prohibition of primary forest deforestation.

Minister Sharif explained that to support the program KKP had legislated Regulation of the Min­istry of KKP No PER.12/MEN/2012 on Hooked Fish Business on Open Sea in Indonesian waters. As known, open sea fishery included the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean which could be exercised by us­ing ships of 30 GT which should be registered by the Government.

Sharif underscored that the development of industrialized hooked fish must be synergized with the blue economy application. This platform was expected to be a transformation process to promote productivity and added value of fishery subsector the sustainable way. Moreover today production output of hooked fish came to 5.5 mil­lion tons/year. Certainly not only the production volume which increased but also the added value as well as the positive impact on people's employment and welfare.

The Government, Sharif said, would facilitate convenience to fishermen to support fishing in the open water; such as among others to allow catch to be unloaded in foreign harbors on condition that they report to the headquarters port in Indonesia and present document of transaction. This policy was adopted in accordance with data collecting of fish resources and to anticipate over fishing [above quota] as regulated internationally. (SS)

Business New - May 9, 2014

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