Sunday, 27 April 2014


Toward application of the Regulation of the Ministry of Industry No. 24/M-IND/PER/4/2013 on the implementation of Indonesia National Standard [SNI] for toys dated October 12, 2013 and effec­tive per May 12, 2014, the Ministry of Industry had relaxed application of SNI quality standardization es­pecially for IKM small industry. Making his statement in Jakarta on Thursday [10/4] the Ministry of Indus­try M.S. Hidayat disclosed the fact considering that today there were still around 200 IKM toy producers at home who had handicaps in applying SNI certifica­tion for toys.

"Therefore we are relaxing this regulation by suspending deadline for 200 producers [IKM small in­dustry] to enable them sell their products before this regulation was in effect. Soon under guidance of the Directorate of IKM, Ministry of Industry, while being told to sell out their products, producers would be given training facilitation, including financial aid to en­able them meet SNI requirements. We put this regula­tion in effect so all local producers as well as importer of toys could comply with the Regulations issued last year" Minister Hidayat was quoted as saying.

In Law No.3 /2014 on Industry 2014 on In­dustry Article 58 it was stated for maximum effec­tiveness of SNI application, technical specification of product and guideline for product application became most important. The Minister had his commitment to procure, upgrade, and develop laboratory facilities for testing and standardization of products in industrial growth centers and to procure testing facilities for small and medium industry. Article 110 I 21 stated that the facilities as mentioned were given to small and medium industry applying SNI including technical specification, financing and compulsory guidelines. There were also Articles which regulated that the fa­cilities were to be given to small industry as compo­nent in the production process.

Previously Deputy Minister of Trade Bayu Krisnamurthi explained the objective of this rule application was, beside protecting the domestic in­dustry also to educate producers and users of toys to use toys which did not require physical movement of players but only to concentrate on the monitor screen this was related to children's behavior.

Data showed that each year import of toys was around USD 70 million to USD 75 million 90% of which was from China. Meanwhile export by Au­gust 2013 was posted at USD 60 million and up till now posted at USD 90 million. Hence there was still surplus in toys trading amounting to around USD 15 million. Meanwhile of the total domestic toy production, only 30% to 40% were national toy products.

Bayu remarked further that 90% of the toys were made of plastic, so it was expected that by ap­plication of this regulation, there would be natural auto selection of products: toys which were not SNI certified could not be circulated in Indonesia. Among the SNI requirements were toys must not have sharp edges and it must be formalin free.

Manual of toys must not be separated from the toy itself. Toys must not be given to children un­der 3 years of age. One of the objectives of the regu­lation was to prevent impact on small-and-medium business which was numerous. In consequence of this regulation, there would be per-shipment inspec­tion [PSI] of cargo during loading and unloading.

Until April, the Government would still be pub­licizing and educating the public about this SNI cer­tification and by May this year' the regulation would be fully in effect. By that time the Government would be making inspection on circulated products based on SNI certification rules. (SS)

Business New - April 16, 2014

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