Wednesday, 22 May 2013


In the effort to support strengthening of food resiliency toward meeting target of 10 million ton rice surplus per year in 5 - 10 years next year, facilities for agricultural production through seeds and fertilizer distribution must be stepped up. Pursuant to that matter, budget allocation for food fertilizer subsidy 2013 was set at Rp 25.9 trillion (0.2% against GDP) rising by Rp 2.0 trillion against fertilizer subsidy ceiling set in APBN-P State Budget 2012 of Rp 13.9 trillion (0.2% against GDP). Allocation for fertilizer subsidy in 2013 was inclusive of compensation of underpaid subsidy of 2010 amounting to Rp 84.2 billion.

Meanwhile to support production increase of agriculture and food resiliency, the Government allocated subsidy fund. Distribution of seed was aimed at procuring rice seed, corn, and soy at affordable price for farmers. Allocation for seed subsidy in State Budget 2013 was state at Rp 137.9 billion. The amount was higher by Rp 8.4 billion against subsidy ceiling ­for seeds which was set in state budget 2012 at Rp 29.5 billion.

According to the Government’s Plan of 2013, the objective of stepping up food resiliency of 2013 would be:
  1. to increase GDP growth of the agricultural, fishery and forestry amounting to 3.9%.
  2. to increase rice production of 6.25%, corn 8.3%, soy 18.5%, sugar 9.2%, beef/carabao meat 9.5% and fish 24.43%.
  3. to increase Government’s food reserves a least by 1 million tons of rice, and to increase food reserves of the provincial Government and that of the people.
  4. to improve quality of people’s food consumption toward attainment of expected food score (PPH) of 91.5.
  5. to improve quality of farm, fishery and forestry yields according to the set standard.
  6. to promote illumination on agriculture, fishery, and forestry.
  7. to develop and revitalize agricultural, fishery and forestry institutions. 

Business News - December 7, 2012

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