Sunday, 10 May 2009

Commission IV of Parliament Urged The Department of Forestry to Speed Up Forest Conversion Analysis

Commission IV of the Parliament urged the Department of Forestry of RI to speed up survey and analysis by the Coordinated Team on the proposal of forest conversion. The Commission asked that the forest conversion survey and analysis could be made faster by the Coordinated Team in accordance with the regulations and law no 41 of year 1999 on forestry. This was disclosed by Chairman of Commission IV of Parliament Arifin Junaedy in the Meeting with the Ministry of Forestry.

In his presentation the Ministry of Forestry MS Kaban elaborated, that the conclusions of the Coordinated Team, i.e. proposal on the re-positioning of forest in “The Space planning of Provincial Areas” [RTRWP] of the Province of Central Kalimantan and the “Space Planning of the Regency of Pahuwato of the Gorontalo Province had been accomplished. For the province of Central Kalimantan a coordinated study had been exercised but not as yet been forwarded because a public test was still underway. Meanwhile 18 other provinces were still awaiting for the Parliament’s approval for forming a Coordinated Team. The Provinces were Aceh, North Sumatera, West Sumatera, Riau, Riau Islands, Jambi, Bengkulu, South Sumatera, Central Java, East Java, Bali, West Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, North Sulawesi, Gorontalo, West Sulawesi, North Maluku and Papua.

Commission IV of Parliament could accept explanations by the Minister but they needed time to comprehend conclusions of the team’s study and analysis before the Commission were able to give recommendations in accordance with the message ingrained in chapter 19 Law no 41 year 1999 on forestry. Commission IV needed time for in-depth study of the analysis conclusions at least until one month later.

Member of Commission IV of the Parliament Bomer Pasaribu stated, because recommendation from the Coordinated Team were public documents, we need to firstly read and observe the overall content of study. We had to prioritize on the principle of cautiousness. The Commission IV of Parliament were still in a position to make an alternative revised proposal as supplement so that not all recommendations of the Coordinated Team were acceptable, in spite of the already given figures.

About the plantation locations permit which were already given, Bomer questioned the time frame given. This was meant to inform all parties that they might know exactly the measured period. According to MS Kaban, the location permit already given to plantations were 35 years, whereby chance were given to businesspeople to exploit until production time was completed. This was the moderate solution to prevent dismissals, social conflicts etc.

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