Thursday, 14 August 2014


The Ministry of Trade hopes that there is no presumption of ‘coercion’ to business operators in the implementation of mandatory SNI (Indonesian National Standard). Instead, the Ministry of Trade expects that there will be increase of competitiveness parallel to the implementation of SNI. Socialization activities are made effective through meetings and discussions between all stakeholders. Representatives of consumers and businesses should sit together to consider the technical specifications of the product subject to SNI.

“We asked the business about their capability. We explained the specifications. Suppose that product A must meet the specifications of number one to seven. We ask again whether they can. Be competitive, “Director General of Standardization and Consumer Protection of the Ministry of Trade, Widodo, told Business News (July 14).

If socialization is already running, the technical ministry (ministry of industry) issued a recommendation. Then, the Ministry of Trade gives a deadline of six moths for coaching. “So, that is the mechanism.”

The most obvious example is the application of SNI on children’s toys. The Government through the Ministry of Industry issued a Decree of Minister of Industry No. 24/M-IND/PER/4/2013 on the Application of Mandatory SNI on Toys. The initial plan is that SNI will be enforced since May 1, 2014.

However, because there are many toy entrepreneurs who objected, the implementation was delayed until the next six month, which is no November 1, 2014. “the implementation of SNI for toys is already with social, economic, and cultural assessment. We accentuate K3L (Health, Safety and Environment). “

It is different for unprocessed agricultural product. For SNI implementation, technical recommendation is issued by the Ministry of Agriculture. Recommendations of fresh agricultural products in the form of processed product shall be subject to SNI application. But in practice, sometimes there are problems. For example, electronic or electrical products. The technical recommendation was once in conflict with two ministries, namely the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

“The argumentation is that electronic components attached to the wall is like a switch, linked to the safety of consumers. So logically, the recommendation is from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral resources. But, the Ministry of Industry looks at the industry from the outer ‘performance’ side. But, through meetings and discussions with consumers and businesses, there is a meeting point.”

Every product which is subject to Mandatory SNI is under partial control or supervision with the Ministry of Industry. Especially for children’s toys, the supervision is done by the two ministries. “We supervise products with SNI label.”

Label is put on the packaging after passing through a laboratory test. The result of the test is to determine product compliance to standards. If it is proven that the product compliance with standards, it cannot be circulated in the market.

The test usually lasts for two weeks. The test laboratory must be accredited by the National Accreditation Committee (KAN). “Normally, it is completed in two weeks. But if there’s a long queue of product to be tested, it can take more than two weeks.”

It is recognized to be one of the obstacles for entrepreneurs. Sometimes, business want the testing process until the publication of SNI to be fest. As is the case with the planned implementation of SNI for toy products. The Ministry of Trade sees that easing of up to two times six months is appropriate. Because one reason is unpreparedness of the laboratory testing process. “When it came into effect, not all business have Surat Petunjuk Tanda SNI (SPT SNI).

But we ask the businesses when the SPT SNI is still in the process of issuance, to show to the officer concerned that the product is still in the process of SPT SNI. If it is already completed, show that the goods bought and sold are in accordance with standard. The officer will check again, whether it is already in compliance with standard. Supervision and guidance for the domestic market continues to run. “

Helmet products must be with an embossed SNI logo or hologram. The Ministry of Trade admitted that there are obstacles to the supervision of helmets subjected to mandatory SNI. Helmet manufacturers are generally divided into three categories, namely manufacturers, craftspeople, and imports. The category of manufactured product is almost equal to the product produced by SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) in some small-scale industry (PIK) settlements.

The ministry of Industry once conducted mentoring in PIK settlements. Hopefully, SMEs will change their production pattern to become a pattern based on standardization.

Production of SMEs in PIK settlements, in terms of shape, is not inferior to imported products. They successfully manufactured product, one reason is because they are in a cohesive working group. “The shape is mice, but not according to standard. Many SMEs have a small-scale business. We are in a dilemma. They also asked to be supervised by the Ministry of Industry. We want a synergy so that micro enterprises can continue their operations. But consumer protection is secured by SNI”. (E)

Business New - July 18, 2014

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