Tuesday, 27 March 2012


              Suramdu Bridge will attract investment if road, seaport, electricity, and drinking water infrastructure have been fulfilled. So, the government through the Suramadu Regional Development Agency (BPWS) prepares a budget a budget of Rp 130 billions for infrastructure building in the region at both feet of the bridge.

           Head of BPWS, Mohamad Irianto, explained that development of Suramadu bridge area with a size of 1,850 hectares, whether from Surabaya or Madura side, requires Rp 130 trillion fund at the minimum, where Rp 25 billions of that amount are derived from State Budget (APBN) to be used for development of infrastructure and supporting facilities.

            And, within the next 15 years, the government will allocate Rp 5 – 6 trillions of fund for development of Suramadu Bridge in three locations, namely 250 hectares on the bridge foot of Madura side, and 1,000 hectares on northern part of Madura.

            One of the infrastructures that will soon be built is Bulu Pandan seaport in northern part of Madura. The container port will support operations of Tanjung Perak seaport, Surabaya which has been over capacitated. The port will be connected to Suramadu Bridge through a toll road of 30 km span.

            BPWS has coordinated with the State Electricity Company (PLN) in electricity provision which will be started in 2014. Currently, the available power capacity for this region is only around 100 MW, while in the future is estimated to reach 700 MW.

            Toll revenue collected from Suramadu bridge has been quite significant. With total volume of vehicles of 15,000 units where 6,000 for them are four wheeled vehicles, total revenue received in 2011 reaches Rp 160 billions consisting of Rp 30 billion collected from two-wheeled vehicles and Rp 130 billions from four-wheeled vehicles.

            Even though currently from Suramadu Bridge is paid to the state treasury, in the future toll revenue from motorcycles at around Rp 300 billions will be paid as share of Surabaya provincial and municipal governments consisting of Bangkalan, Simpang, Pamekasan, and Sunenep.

Business News - March 14, 2012

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